After finding out just how easy it was to adopt a podenco from Gran Canaria through the Saving the Gran Canaria Podencos page, thanks to the amazing help of a certain wonderful someone ... I decided that one podenco is never enough and decided to get a pod pal for Valentino, who at 1 needed a playmate as my other dogs are 11, 12 and maybe 16 years old!
As you can see it was a rip roaring success and Romeo and Valentino adore each other and coming from the perrera were both very well socialised and surprisingly also house trained despite their harsh upbringing.
Podencos are such beautiful, gentle and sensitive dogs they can find pound life unbearably stressful and often give up eating and lose the will to live and are so terribly grateful for being saved and shown the love they have longed for all their lives so adopting or fostering is incredibly rewarding.
How did I choose my second Podenco you may ask? Well I have to admit my favourite Podencos are the Podenco Canario due to their unusual colours and rare beauty and also are some of the Podencos most in need of help as no homes for them in the Canary Islands.
At the main perrera in Gran Canaria there is a 70% kill rate for animals with a very short window of opportunity for them to be adopted so it was made quite simple for me and I just adopted the Podenco whose time had run out and was next on the list to be killed.
Romeo is such a loving boy, so gentle and lovely it is impossible to understand how he could remain so trusting and open after the sad, hard life he has had - he now has learned to play again and just loves to stand and be stroked for hours.
What is also amazing is the fact he is exactly the same height as my other Podenco Valentino so they make a lovely pair and are ideally matched for galloping, wrestling and rope tugging!
I would like to thank all who made it so very very easy for me to get my two lovely Podenco boys delivered directly to me and urge anyone who is tempted to foster or adopt one of these fabulous dogs who are so much in need to just go for it! Please do not hesitate to contact Suzannah Stacey for further details of how you can help the lovely Gran Canaria Podencos and to discover how easy it can be to put a pod in your life or help save a life by supporting or sponsoring to save a life today.